Our Financial Stress Test System
So You Want to Grow Your Company?
Our Exclusive Financial Stress Test System Will Help You Do It Right!
When you use The CFO Source’s proprietary Financial Stress Test System, you’ll instantly and quickly discover:
- How much funding you’ll need to support a “significant” growth in sales, receivables, inventory, capital expenditures and operating costs
- The most effective combination of financing to support the infrastructure of your company.
- The amount of growth supported by internally generated working capital, while maintaining a constant debt to equity ratio.
- The immediate impact of a collections slowdown, and acceleration of disbursements and decline in profit margin, all occurring at the same time.
- How long your existing level of cash and borrowing capacity will last with a significant decline in sales and profitability.
- How much flexibility you’ll have to remain in compliance with existing bank covenants at various levels of growth or decline.
- The amount of distributions your company can comfortably make to you.